29. When Dementia Replaces Meritocracy – Could the Past show us the Future
Out of town with the Love of My Life making her an extremely happy grandmother, I am going to share my perspective on the approaching political crisis has a high probability of occurring this fall – Biden being replaced as President. But first, let us piece together some historical data points to set the stage.
- 1992 – Bill Clinton is elected President – “In Hell to Pay”, Barbara Olson describes numerous traits of Hillary Clinton including how she created a database from FBI files of at least 700 “potential enemies”.
- 2000 – The election for President is determined by the Supreme Court over “hanging chads” and suspicious ballots in Florida. The Democrats were furious and decided to change how America votes – hand counting ballots were replaced by machines. I am not aware of a voting machine company today that is owned by a Republican.
- 2008 – Obama is elected despite much of his history being court ordered sealed and extremely limited experience in anything but promising “Change you can believe in”.
- During Obama’s first term, Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State:
- She negotiates the sale of American uranium to Russia (Uranium One) with rumors of the Clinton Foundation obtaining a $100 Million contrition at the time the sale was completed. There was no public debate nor any disclosure as to benefits received by American officials that had to approve the sale of potential nuclear weapon material to Russia.
- Remember Benghazi – Were Clinton and Obama (others) involved in a profitable gun running enterprise but needing desperately to recover some stinger missiles in the hands of terrorists after one was use to kill Seal Team 6 who had killed Osama Bin Laden?
- The use of voting machines continued to expand. Despite strong disapproval in the polls and a miserable economy, Obama was re-elected in 2012.
- In 2020, a non-politician by the name of Trump beat the Democratic machine nominee, Hillary Clinton. The polls all declared Clinton would be the winner but not the ballots. Outraged, the Democrats and their media unleashed a never-ending attack against Trump which lasted all four years. They falsely accused him of “Russian Collusion”, impeached him twice, and perhaps staged a riot using BLM/Antifa agitators in DC in the middle of a peaceful rally of Trump supporters, and arrested 600 of the attendees putting them in a gulag in DC without due process (The Forgotten 600).
No media ever explored why a non-politician who campaigned on getting the political elites, especially the Democrats, snouts out of the public trough was so maligned. Self-evident perhaps?
- In January 2021 Biden who rarely campaigned outside of his basement and never seemed to draw a crowd of more than 20 people, was installed as President with DC locked down looking alike a third world country.
- His only success in his first 18 months of office is the destruction of the prosperous economy he inherited.
- Odd for the man that “got the most votes in history in the most secure election ever”, the crowds Biden draws are in the vast majority shouting some rendition of “Lets’ Go Brandon”.
- His Vice President Harris is the only politician today with poorer ratings than Biden and has demonstrated that she is equally incompetent as reportedly she “cackles” whenever she is asked a serious question.
- Hunter Biden scandals begin with his laptop and seem to continue as far as the eye can see. To date the only result is an awareness that our government agencies exist not to protect and benefit Americans, just the political Elites who also seem to view the USA as their Sugar Daddy. That is a dangerous situation.
- Meanwhile, Trump has continued to “campaign” with a consistent record of being correct even when the media and Democrats initially attached hm as being wrong.
- I have lost track of all of the ongoing legal actions and investigations but Americans in multiple states are demonstrating the fraud that occurred on Election Day 2020. But the Democrats and some RINOS are in a bad spot – Patriots are digging out the facts, the public is being educated by “2000 Mules”, so what do they need to do to keep the complete truth from coming out in the sunshine?
That leads us to two CRITICAL questions that will be answered this fall and those answers will have an enormous impact on the course of the United States of America.
- Has enough been done to enable an honest election in November 2020?
- According to polls, the majority of Americans believe the 2020 election reflected massive fraudulent votes and are worried about the 2022 elections.
- I believe the majority is correct and while I am aware of some specific groups and their activities working to correct the fraud in time for 2022, I am confident that massive election fraud will occur again this fall. To me the real question is will the fraud be so great as to again determine the outcome? For that answer, I suggest we watch for the answer to Question #2.
- How and when will Biden exit office? The exit is coming as even the loyal Democrat media is discussing Biden’s senility, ineptness, etc. It appears that they are preparing The Deplorables for a change.
- If Biden exits before November, it will be because the Democrats believe they will lose so many seats that they need to;
- Get ahead of the curve of potential investigations, impeachment, etc. Biden will resign and Harris can select the new VP.
- They might hope this change positively impacts the November 2022 election results.
- Harris as President is another disaster waiting to happen.
- Will the Democrats throw Hunter Biden under the bus?
- If the Democrats believe they have the election “under control” so they will maintain power, they may wait:
- If they are correct and the result of the election is the Democrats are in control, they can simply wait until the end of his term and force Biden not to run for re-election.
- If the 2022 election goes against the Democrats, they can make the change after the election, before the new Congress is installed.
How this unfolds may give you the best insight into the answer to the first question. It also will forecast the economy over the remainder of the Biden Administration and the following two-year period required to see a new administration correct the economic situation and positive results begin to appear. The land market will reflect the turmoil.
Please pray:
- That God exercises his control over our government at all levels.
- For the “Forgotten 599” surviving Americans being held as political prisoners by Biden and the Demented Marxists in hell hole conditions in the DC Gulag.
- For honest elections because without them we are not free.
- For the valiant Ukrainians.
Let’s Go Brandon!
(John 10:10) New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
July 12, 2022
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